Tag: The Green Grossfield Project
Episode 8: The Green-Grossfield Project – Landscape and Backyard Escape
It's been more than a year since we began working on our house. Now, it's done. I guess you can never say your home is done because there's always something more you want to do to it. But for now, the Green-Grossfield house project is done.
Episode 7: The Green-Grossfield Project – The Blank Canvas
The second level of our home didn't exist when we bought it: It was a rambler. We needed to fit four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a laundry room in a little more than 1,000 square feet.
Episode 6: The Green-Grossfield Project – Downstairs Design and Flow
Follow Jordana Green in Episode 6 of the Green Grossfield Project as the project focuses on the downstairs design and flow.
Episode 5: The Green-Grossfield Project – The Kitchen
I'm not a great cook, but I love to entertain. We entertain often, nearly every Friday night for Shabbat dinner and any excuse to have a party is a good one. The house we're remodeling isn't big, so most of the downstairs ended up being kitchen... I love it! Check out our modern, kosher, open kitchen on the #greengrossfieldproject.
Episode 4: The Green-Grossfield Project – Exterior Puzzle
Episode 4: The Green-Grossfield Project. We bought a house across from a lake, but near a busy street. We wanted to maximize our view and still maintain privacy.
Episode 3: The Green-Grossfield Project – This House Sucks
“This House Sucks”. That was the kids’ take on the house. They hated it. It was already a tough sell to get them to want to move from their childhood home in Eden Prairie to a tiny rambler in St. Louis Park. When they saw what we purchased, I almost had a mutiny on my hands.
Episode 2: The Green-Grossfield Project – Broken Basement
We bought this house for the lot. It sits across the street from Cedar Lake, eight minutes from downtown and next to a city lot that is undeveloped. There are mature trees, it's close to our synagogues, and many of our friends live in the neighborhood.
Episode 1: The Green-Grossfield Remodel from Beginning to End
This 1947 rambler is a lot like Marc and me. It's been around a while, had some fabulous years, had some hard ones, and was ready for a new beginning. You may know Marc as the founder of AVIV 613 Vodka.
Preview of The Green Grossfield Project
Join Twin Cities radio host Jordana Green and Aviv Vodka CEO Marc Grossfield as they take on a major transformation of a Twin Cities home.