Tag: MIA
Mia’s New Immersive Exhibition Guides Visitors Through the Spirit of Ritual...
Photos courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of ArtThe 2000 film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” forefronts popular culture once again, due to actor Michelle Yeoh’s...
The Store at Mia Gets a Stylish Refresh
The updated store features an emphasis on craftsmanship and design.
Mia’s Art in Bloom Fills the Galleries with Scent and Sensation
A floral-themed fashion show; the celebration of the lowly carnation; and lecture-demonstrations on paper flowers, Tuscan gardens, and finding inspiration in the art of botanical drawing—those are just single petals on the bountiful bloom soon to burst at Mia (Minneapolis Institute of Art).
Mia Exhibits Focus on Rooms: From Guillermo del Toro to Jane...
The galleries at Mia (Minneapolis Institute of Arts) have taken quite a turn lately—toward the spooky. The museum recently opened a new exhibition inspired by horror/sci-fi/fantasy filmmaker and collector Guillermo del Toro called “At Home with Monsters.”
“Inspired by Nature: 5 Global Makers” Introduces Worldly Goods to MSP...
This month, in coordination with a new exhibition at Mia, “Seeing Nature: Landscape Masterworks from the Paul G. Allen Family Collection,” the Mia (Minneapolis Institute of Art) is debuting a new collection showcasing works by five makers from across the globe.
Art in Bloom, Mia’s Annual Spring Fling, Flourishes
MIA’s 33rd Annual Art in Bloom—the four-day festival runs from Wednesday evening (that’s the gala) April 27 through Sunday, May 1—has welcomed in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary, to create its own exhibition on the third floor of the Target Wing of the museum.