Photos and styling by Marian Parsons

Marian Parsons, aka Miss Mustard Seed, has written books before—as well as created fine art, refinished furniture, crafted a beloved blog, innovated product design (including her own line of milk paint), and bought and sold antiques. “I like to do a lot of different things, as you can tell,” she says. When it came to writing her new book, Feels Like Home: How to Transform Your Spaces from Uninspiring to Uniquely Yours, “it came together so easily for me,” she says.
“I’ve written other books and done projects that were much more challenging. This one flowed out and felt easy,” she adds. “The hardest part is waiting for it to come out,” she says, laughing. The book will be available September 7 but can be preordered now.
Parsons’ personal journey with making a house feel like home inspired the book. Before she moved to Rochester with her family several years ago, “I hadn’t been to the Midwest before,” she explains, “and I expected to find and live in a quintessential old Minnesota farmhouse.” Instead, “we ended up in a typical suburban home with a two-story foyer,” she says. But as she lived in the house, she started to see its potential.
She also began hearing from her followers, “My house is just like yours,” and “I can’t wait to see what you do with it.” Because she realized that “so many people live in homes like mine, I decided to write a book for people who want to add character and unique personalization to their typical suburban home—and make it their own.”
In the book she writes, “Feels Like Home is the firing shot you need to get started, and it’s the coach to guide you along your way… As a longtime lover of all things home, with a passion for empowering and inspiring others, I’m excited about encouraging and supporting you. I firmly believe in your ability to transform your home from uninspired to uniquely yours. There is potential under your roof that you may not have thought possible, and together, we will find a way to reveal it.”
Accompanied by gorgeous color photography and styling, Parsons’ text does just that. She gently questions her readers, gives them assignments, provides tips and techniques, and challenges them to discover their unique definition of home and transform spaces into rooms with personality and character.
“I’m going to teach you what I have learned over the years and share how I’ve transformed my 2004 builder-beige suburban house into a home that feels like ours,” she writes. “Are you ready to join me? I extend my hand to you as we embrace this journey together.” One can’t imagine a better guide.